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Complex and grumpy but tries hard to please.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Trains, Pigs and Who?

Because of the snow, I took the train to work a couple of times last week, walking a couple of miles to the village station to catch a connection train in the City Centre. I enjoy rail journeys (as well as the fact that Sheffield Midland station pub has a very comprehensively stocked selection of cask ales for the return journey). 

Wintry Sheffield Woodhouse Station
My ticket was checked by Lisa. Her name badge described her as Revenue Enforcement Officer. I wonder what happened to Train Guards or Conductors. Probably got lost in the era of rail privatisation. Anyway, the Destination Facilitator (Train Driver) got me to my intended location in good order through the snowy period.

Staying on the subject of rail travel, I've been perusing the published intended route for the new High Speed 2 rail link. This will be passing through Killamarsh, Rother Valley and on to Catcliffe, not a million miles from me. There are quite a few of the old lines still extant but now used as nature routes for walkers and cyclists, including myself for training. Some of the viaducts, and even the old station at Killamarsh are still in situ. However, it seems that these old routes are not suitable for high speed rail travel and hence the new rail route being built alongside. I think this is an exciting time for regeneration and investment though I understand the concerns of those who will be affected by compulsory purchases. From what I have seen of the plans, my area is not that affected other than the building of new viaducts at Rother Valley, Renishaw and Catcliffe.

The fomer Killamarsh Central Station (
Anyway, with the snow having subsided enough and when I did manage to get the van on to the road, opposite the still snowy hale-baled field, I was distracted by two pigs humping in a farm yard whilst another watched on. I guess there isn’t much else to do in a snowy pig sty. I deduced a voyeuristic pig is bound to be a much colder than two humping ones though.

The Who are coming to play Quadraphenia at Sheffield Arena. I have seen them perform a couple of times and am weighing up whether or not I can justify spending £60 (for a cheap seat) to go and see them again. Tickets go on sale this Friday. Dilemma!
As for my training regime,  I haven’t managed to do any cycling and couldn’t get to do Park Run at the weekend but I made up for it with resistance rope work, a 1km stint in the pool and a very muddy sub 1-hour cross country 10km. I have shaved and had a hair cut so maybe it was streamling that got me the decent time.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Snow Wonderings

You may remember my post last year about hay bales. Well, there is still a field that I pass each morning with dozens of uncollected bales from harvest time. The new crop is growing around them and I am wondering why these haven’t been wrapped and stored as usual. They are now covered in snow and must surely be rotting. Has something happened to the farmer I wonder? I have been unable to take a decent photograph as the country road to the side doesn’t have any laybys to pull in and stop. It’s a spectacular winter scene though. I will try and persist to get that photograph.

I was 6 seconds off going sub-25mins on Park Run at the weekend but that’s still two 5km personal bests in as many weeks. To say how ill and rubbish I have been feeling, this new level of fitness I am attaining is quite remarkable. I am more focussed on technique and pacing in my cross training these days. I still need to speed up in the pool and that will come as my strength and technique improve. I've been doing a bit of science and maths too, plotting graphs based on my velocities and stroke rate. It's interesting seeing how it looks on paper!

 The cycling is dependent on the roads being ice free.

So far, I’ve registered for Aquathlons (400m swim in to a 5km run) at Halesowen, Burntwood, Sandwell, Wombourne and Wrekin College plus the Ashington Triathlon (400m swim, 20km cycle, 5km run). The Ashington event will be my first visit to my family ancestral home. I’m going to take Dad along with me to be my tour guide.

As well as sprint triathlons at Southwell, Lincoln, Woodall Spa, Wombourne and Rother Valley, I will be competing in various Masters swimming events plus a couple of open water swims throughout the year.

I’m really looking forward to the start of the new season.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Turning Up the Heat


Despite my abdominal strain and niggling calf, I’ve been feeling really strong of late.

I really look forward to the Saturday morning Park Run and went sub-26 mins last week. I’ve picked out a new pace setter to help me go even faster and closer to my sub-25 mins next target. Bring it on.

Sundays I have been doing some interval running work around Rother Valley and Killamarsh. It’s approximately an 8.5km round trip. I’ve surprised myself that even after a hard run I can still finish with an uphill sprint. It’s very pleasing.

I’ve also swapped pools for my swimming sessions. I’ve been concentrating on stroke technique more than strength lately but I think it’s time to dig the resistance rope out again to build on my forearms. To swim fast you need a good underwater pull (as well as reducing water drag through streamlining). To this end, I’ve been doing some butterfly stroke which is something I haven’t done since the Summer. I think I’ve only ever swam butterfly once competitively in an individual medley event when I was a child. It’s a killer but great for strength building. I might end up Mr V-Shape yet. Certainly the abs are coming on.

I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a turbo trainer for my bicycle. I’ve read good and bad reviews about various makes that would enable me to spin indoors during the icy and dangerous weather. I’ve not made a decision yet but I’ve definitely decided to go on some Sheffield CTC trips starting next week. These are organised cycle runs which should help me with technique and endurance. I’m looking forward to getting back on the bike.

It’s time to start booking my 2013 events.


I play with the live setup of Tokyo Witch Hunt and the new album, Eclectic Electric, is available from the usual digital download stores and the reviews are positive. I don’t do Facebook, but you can keep up to date with what’s happening chez TWH via or

And finally…

I have hot water and heat again!