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Complex and grumpy but tries hard to please.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Charles "Crash" Atlas?

Ashington Triathlon - Quite literally in the land of my Father's
My athletic season is up and running and despite not pulling up any trees, I feel fit, healthy and injury-free. This corroborates what my recent health check results were saying. Chloresterol levels lower, glucose levels lower, BP satisfactory. My risk of heart attack in next ten years has come down to just 8%. Diabetes risk – no issues. My weight has levelled despite my high level of activity due to muscle mass increase.
I went to buy a new suit for work earlier this week. Normally I fit a 40 inch chest. Incredibly I am now a 44 inch chest size. I have swimmer shoulders, a runners core and erm… hybrid legs. I am certainly not fitting the lean athlete description. I’m more of the bulk V-shape which is good for strength but doesn’t help my times in terms of streamlining or mass having to be carried around in a race.
Speaking of races, so far this year I have taken part in the David Lloyd Lincoln triathlon, the Southwell triathlon, the Ashington triathlon and aquathlons in Burtwood and Wrekin College. Although I am still hovering towards the rear at finishes I am pleased with my improved performances, primarily as a result of good fitness and more experience of racing at this level. Particularly I have benefited from much improved cycling times as a result of the new bike, the Triban 3. There is a four week waiting list for these bikes as I type because of their great value/great performance attributes. Swimming technique is more focussed resulting in improved race times but running still could be better.
Next up is the Rother Valley triathlon.  It will be my first triathlon with an open water swim. I did the 1500m Big Swim at the lake there last year and the water stinks to high heaven with duck droppings. The weeds tangle around the legs there too. A fellow competitor got in to difficulties and I swam with him for a while to make sure he was ok.
Whilst doing a run training session from home to Rother Valley, a chap on a bike spotted my David Lloyd Tri t shirt. He had competed in Lincoln too so we got chatting. It was nice to be spotted as triathlete among triathletes however modest my abilities.
I am no longer a novice triathlete though. That mantle has been taken on by the chap I saw doing the running leg of the Ashington triathlon with his bike helmet on. Oh dear!

Musically, I performed with Peachy for the first time in 2 years a few weeks ago. There were a few technical issues but otherwise it was decent performance. It was nice to see Dad there too who hasn't been in the best of health lately. Izzie and I continue to rehearse and perform with TWH. all fine on that front.

Now about that charity fire walk I have signed up for down at the Hollin Bush…….