It has been a difficult couple of weeks.
I have been unwell and I don’t do illness as a rule.
However, I have been knocked for six with this particular problem. I’ve lost
half a stone in a week and although I’m on the mend I still feel weak.
The long and short of this is that my fitness has gone
through the floor. I did an Aquathlon in Burntwood and my first swimming
Masters event in Derby
during my illness when I should really have pulled out of them. Not surprisingly,
I bombed in both. I got a worst ever time for my 5k in the Aquathlon. The
swimming was a disaster.
I am 2 weeks alcohol-free and not missing it in the
slightest. The appetite is only just starting to return and the strength to do
I have another Aquathlon this week. Maybe I shouldn’t be
doing it but as I mentioned above, I don’t do illness.
Hats off to you for not giving up but you clearly should NOT have done them. Listen to your body or it will be detrimental both physically and mentally. Hope you're feeling much better soon :)